Who We Serve2019-07-30T17:01:41+00:00

Who We Serve

Tradeshow Industry and Associations

We serve the tradeshow industry, and the Associations that participate. It’s a lot of ground to cover. But since we specialize in tradeshow lead management, we’re all over it. Our laser focus is on the ability of tradeshow professionals to drive, track and demonstrate ROI. We deliver that across all key players, including:

  • Event Organizers: Tradeshow industry associations, conferences, and other event planners
  • Event Exhibitors: The companies and tradeshow professionals who invest in, manage and staff booth space and other show aspects
  • Sales & Booth Staff: The road warriors who work the show to build relationships and reputation, generate leads and drive sales
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Tradeshow Industry: Associations Run the Show

The tradeshow industry is broad. It spans from some of the top companies in the world to large nonprofits to scrappy startups. They are associations of industry sectors, functional expertise, shared interests, and professional development. And, they organize and manage it all, from concept to the podium. That means orchestrating venues, expo space and staff. And it means running educational sessions, entertainment, and the show floor. In some cases, the shows are years in the making, with nearly infinite moving parts. Because of all that investment results are a top priority. And for a tradeshow, results often means one thing: leads for exhibitors.

We help the organizers with solutions to:

  • Make the tradeshow lead capture process fast, easy and seamless
  • Help exhibitors deliver and demonstrate results
  • Track and report attendee engagement
  • Identify what’s working and what’s not via attendee tracking
Resources for event organizers

Tradeshow Professionals: Marketing and Sales Hit the Road

Marketers in many industries rely on tradeshows as a cornerstone of their go-to-market activities. Sales Execs know the shows are rich with leads and development opportunities. The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) documents extensive statistics about the value and investment in tradeshows. But generating and showing results in the form of leads is not easy. So we make it easier for:

  • Event Exhibitors, often Marketers, who plan the budget and manage tradeshows for their organization
  • Sales Execs who depend on the tradeshows to help generate new leads, relationships and knowledge
Resources for Exhibitors
Resources for Sales Booth & Staff

Our Customers and Industries

We serve many Associations, Customers and Industries with our people-powered tradeshow lead management solutions. Check out our industry experience, and some representative clients below:

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